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Margie Collins 2024 Summary



Week Ending

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Kelly Triggs 9/27/2024 Friday, September 27, 2024 I did a lot of research for articles to post. I also been watching website videos and updating the posting schedule. Lack of articles
Kelly Triggs 9/20/2024 Friday, September 20, 2024 Search for better articles to post. Im having trouble finding good content so posting is slow right now. N/A
Kelly Triggs 9/20/2024 Friday, September 20, 2024 Search for better articles to post. Im having trouble finding good content so posting is slow right now. N/A
Kelly Triggs 9/14/2024 Friday, September 13, 2024 N/A Lack of articles online
Kelly Triggs 9/13/2024 Friday, September 13, 2024 N/A Lack of articles online
Kelly Triggs 9/13/2024 Friday, September 13, 2024 N/A Lack of articles online
Kelly Triggs 5/31/2024 Friday, May 31, 2024 I continued my training for Wordpress. I was not able to get any feedback on which Udemy account I need to use to train on so I found some additional training on YouTube to do until I find out more. Other than that I have been focusing on finding more news articles for future posts for loomly, & I am in the process of making a new template for Instagram posts for Haven Retreat. Lack of news articles & not knowing which Udemy account to use for training.
Kelly Triggs 5/31/2024 Friday, May 31, 2024 I continued my training for Wordpress. I was not able to get any feedback on which Udemy account I need to use to train on so I found some additional training on YouTube to do until I find out more. Other than that I have been focusing on finding more news articles for future posts for loomly, & I am in the process of making a new template for Instagram posts for Haven Retreat. Lack of news articles & not knowing which Udemy account to use for training.
Kelly Triggs 5/24/2024 Friday, May 24, 2024 I have finished up YouTube training that I have found. I have also signed up with Udemy under a new Bridgecross account so I will be beginning new training for Wordpress since I have a new theme I can work with that was provided by Margie. I am also continuing to find new news resources for posts. I will make a new post plan I will try to stick to for before labor and after labor so I can continue to do some work for the company even though I am experiencing changes. I will be creating a few extra posts for Haven as well just in case. No.
Kelly Triggs 5/17/2024 Friday, May 17, 2024 I have done a lot of training this week for Wordpress and I have also been continuing to look for news articles for Loomly posts. News articles have been slowing down a-bit but I have managed to find some new websites I can use for now. I am still working on a new template for Instagram posts for Haven retreat and I am excited to show what I have come up with sometime next week. Other than that I have been finishing up trainings from YouTube and will begin Udemy training today for Wordpress since I now have access to Udemy through Bridgecross. Lack of news articles
Kelly Triggs 5/11/2024 Friday, May 10, 2024 Found tons of good articles to post to loomly for SBC & Bridgecross. Ive also been doing more training for Wordpress through YouTube and I began my coursera course that Margie sent to me for Wordpress. Looking forward to the new training! I am currently trying to figure out how to get started with my first project through the new course. No.
Kelly Triggs 5/3/2024 Friday, May 3, 2024 I have continued training for Wordpress. I have also continued my efforts to create posts for each business on Loomly but I have been unaware of the posting frequency due to posts being moved around and placed differently than the schedule that I have received from my team. I am working on getting a better understanding on this but havent got any response yet. I have continued to try and create a weekly plan. I have received notification that I have received an interview for the internship for graphic designing through Margies church. I am looking forward to this summer program and I hope I can get into it. Lack of news articles
Kelly Triggs 4/29/2024 Friday, April 26, 2024 This week I have been focused on training for Wordpress and also finding more trainings. Currently I am confused with the differences with the 2 types of word press sites but so far I think I have found a good training that explains everything from hosts, to the distinct differences between the two. I will be working on logging into Wordpress this week coming up so I can practice new skills I have learned from the new videos & trainings. Looking forward to learning this new site so I can make websites soon. I have been having issues finding interesting articles for Loomly posts but I am working on finding better websites using AI chat bots & other resources.
Kelly Triggs 4/28/2024 Friday, April 19, 2024 I have been exploring new websites to find new news articles for 1ST SBC & BridgeCross. I have also been doing some YouTube training on website designing for Wordpress. Margie has helped me find other training as well through 2 websites that I will be utilizing and finishing soon. I have been creating a new posting plan as well that I will be going off of. This will have new websites that I can grab articles from for our social media posts. Im excited about whats next to come! Lack of news articles
Kelly Triggs 4/23/2024 Friday, April 19, 2024 I have been exploring new websites to find new news articles for 1ST SBC & BridgeCross. I have also been doing some YouTube training on website designing for Wordpress. Margie has helped me find other training as well through 2 websites that I will be utilizing and finishing soon. I have been creating a new posting plan as well that I will be going off of. This will have new websites that I can grab articles from for our social media posts. Im excited about whats next to come! Lack of news articles
Kelly Triggs 4/12/2024 Friday, April 12, 2024 I continued to search for news websites I could use for future posts in Loomly. I did not find much yet but I am in the process of watching videos about finding better news articles so I can be educated on this process. I have also began to plan posts for the next few weeks, and I have also signed up and will start the training provided to me recently. I am excited to be learning about Wordpress and I cant wait to finish up my courses! N/A
Kelly Triggs 4/6/2024 Friday, April 5, 2024 I worked on training for Wordpress, attempted to collected websites for potential news posting for Loomly, & also utilized YouTube training for Wordpress and social media posting. I have been finding it difficult to find recent news but I am working on a new approach to finding articles for BC & SBC. N/A
Kelly Triggs 3/29/2024 Friday, March 22, 2024 This week I focused on gathering more websites to create more posts for our Loomly account. It has been challenging to find good news lately so my manager has decided to decrease the frequency for posts hoping this would help. I have also have been practicing on Wordpress and I have actually figured out a lot of the functions on the website. I am brainstorming ideas for my mock website so I can attempt to make a realistic website. I am definitely exciting to continue practicing on Wordpress. I am looking into more trainings for since the training I did was geared toward Looking for ward to next week! Gathering news for the posts did become a struggle but we made a plan to hopefully solve this problem.
Kelly Triggs 3/29/2024 Friday, March 29, 2024 I did a lot of research on the website platform I am attempting to use. Wordpress is a very new website platform for me and I am excited to design this website. The website will showcase my designs and services I offer. Other than website platform training I have been researching new news platforms for future posts in Loomly. So far I have found a few leads in IT but none for medical coding. I will continue to look for more throughout the weeks. Lack of news articles.
Kelly Triggs 3/29/2024 Friday, March 29, 2024 I did a lot of research on the website platform I am attempting to use. Wordpress is a very new website platform for me and I am excited to design this website. The website will showcase my designs and services I offer. Other than website platform training I have been researching new news platforms for future posts in Loomly. So far I have found a few leads in IT but none for medical coding. I will continue to look for more throughout the weeks. Lack of news articles.
Kelly Triggs 3/22/2024 Friday, March 22, 2024 This week I focused on gathering more websites to create more posts for our Loomly account. It has been challenging to find good news lately so my manager has decided to decrease the frequency for posts hoping this would help. I have also have been practicing on Wordpress and I have actually figured out a lot of the functions on the website. I am brainstorming ideas for my mock website so I can attempt to make a realistic website. I am definitely exciting to continue practicing on Wordpress. I am looking into more trainings for since the training I did was geared toward Looking for ward to next week! Gathering news for the posts did become a struggle but we made a plan to hopefully solve this problem.
Kelly Triggs 3/8/2024 Friday, March 8, 2024 I did a lot of training and research. I learned the differences between and I have compiled a lot of research from the Udemy course I have been learning from. I have also created a new weekly post plan to share with the social media group. This plan details what links I will post and how often I will post certain articles. Looking forward to practicing on Wordpress today so I can perfect my skills with website designing. N/A
Kelly Triggs 2/29/2024 Thursday, February 29, 2024 I have found a lot of good links for posting when creating posts in loomly. I have used each capability and found numerous of links to use. I will need to create a spreadsheet to keep these links eventually so I can organize them better. Right now I have created a chart with info on each business. I have also became comfortable with Wordpress. I had to learn the differences with the 2 types of Wordpress sites I could use. I will be trying out Wordpress soon to utilize what I have learned. I have took the initiative to also watch YouTube videos and read online about the different types of programs ( and No.
Kelly Triggs 2/29/2024 Thursday, February 29, 2024 I have found a lot of good links for posting when creating posts in loomly. I have used each capability and found numerous of links to use. I will need to create a spreadsheet to keep these links eventually so I can organize them better. Right now I have created a chart with info on each business. I have also became comfortable with Wordpress. I had to learn the differences with the 2 types of Wordpress sites I could use. I will be trying out Wordpress soon to utilize what I have learned. I have took the initiative to also watch YouTube videos and read online about the different types of programs ( and No.
Kelly Triggs 2/29/2024 Thursday, February 29, 2024 N/A Not at all.
Kelly Triggs 2/25/2024 Friday, February 23, 2024 Did a lot of research to find news articles to post to Bridgecross LLC and 1st SBC. Ive also created a schedule for posting, research and training that I could follow. No.
Kelly Triggs 2/24/2024 Friday, February 23, 2024 Did a lot of research to find news articles to post to Bridgecross LLC and 1st SBC. Ive also created a schedule for posting, research and training that I could follow. No.
Kelly Triggs 2/16/2024 Friday, February 16, 2024 N/A I ran into an issue with finding posts for the businesses to post but I ended up fixing it.
Kelly Triggs 2/16/2024 Friday, February 16, 2024 N/A I ran into an issue with finding posts for the businesses to post but I ended up fixing it.
Kelly Triggs 2/9/2024 Friday, February 9, 2024 I did some research to help post articles to our new Loomly software. Im going to attempt to add these to a spread sheet once I am comfortable enough with the software. This will help when its time for posting. I will save time doing research on the day of posting. Ive also been using a new website to find keywords that help with finding articles to post. Ive also gained access to company canva and have been designing posts to be used on the Haven Retreat page. No
Kelly Triggs 2/9/2024 Friday, February 9, 2024 I did some research to help post articles to our new Loomly software. Im going to attempt to add these to a spread sheet once I am comfortable enough with the software. This will help when its time for posting. I will save time doing research on the day of posting. Ive also been using a new website to find keywords that help with finding articles to post. Ive also gained access to company canva and have been designing posts to be used on the Haven Retreat page. No
Kelly Triggs 2/9/2024 Friday, February 9, 2024 I did some research to help post articles to our new Loomly software. Im going to attempt to add these to a spread sheet once I am comfortable enough with the software. This will help when its time for posting. I will save time doing research on the day of posting. Ive also been using a new website to find keywords that help with finding articles to post. Ive also gained access to company canva and have been designing posts to be used on the Haven Retreat page. No
Kelly Triggs 2/1/2024 Wednesday, January 31, 2024 I am working on Instagram images that can be posted to the business Instagram. I am also coming up with a plan on how to efficiently post new articles/reports to the business pages. N/A
Kelly Triggs 1/31/2024 Wednesday, January 31, 2024 I am working on Instagram images that can be posted to the business Instagram. I am also coming up with a plan on how to efficiently post new articles/reports to the business pages. N/A
Kelly Triggs 1/26/2024 Friday, January 26, 2024 I have learned a new software for posting to social media called Loomly. I have also got the chance to chat with Barb and get use to using the Bitrix system. I am now posting 3 posts a day to Loomly, as well as creating a new brochure design. I will be also creating instagram images so we can begin posting to instagram. I will be completing the last of my training and hopefully that will be today or tomarrow. More to come soon! I tried to download Bitrix desktop onto my laptop but I couldnt figure out the password it was asking me for.
Kelly Triggs 1/19/2024 Friday, January 19, 2024 I trained with Margie on what to post, what software to use, & how often to post. No.
Kelly Triggs 1/14/2024 Friday, January 12, 2024 I waited to receive my new laptop and then will be resuming my training. No.
Kelly Triggs 1/12/2024 Friday, January 12, 2024 I waited to receive my new laptop and then will be resuming my training. No.
Kelly Triggs 1/12/2024 Friday, January 12, 2024 I waited to receive my new laptop and then will be resuming my training. No.
Kelly Triggs 1/8/2024 Friday, January 5, 2024 I finished training this week and got familiar with the bitrix system. No.