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Min Kong Chada 2024 Summary



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Min Kong 9/27/2024 Friday, September 27, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin and the CO-OP, OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-247: Completed code to read SA CSV File to Store data in Sqllite Database. This ticket is closed. 4) WSMODELS-228: Working on create Capability to Plot Historical 1D SA Statistics from Sqlite DB Files on the webapp. Working on the code to 1. Show a default plot with default selections, use RMSE and Product available first in the list; 2. Add labels to the x-axis (whatever time the plot represents) and y-axis (statistic selected); 3. Show max/min dates available in the data stored as default Add a title to the plot; 4. The "Plot" button is enabled button once options selected and is disabled if Time Period is invalid and any option is not selected. NA No
Min Kong 9/20/2024 Friday, September 20, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin and the CO-OP, OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-228: Working on create Capability to Plot Historical 1D SA Statistics from Sqlite DB Files on the webapp. Adding a new dropdown list to switch type. 4) WSMODELS-247: Updating Code Read SA CSV File to Store data in Sqllite Database; The OFS 1D skill assessment CSV file format has changed. I'm updating the code to read in the file and store in a Sqllite database NA No
Min Kong 9/13/2024 Friday, September 13, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin and the CO-OP, OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-228: Working on create Capability to Plot Historical 1D SA Working on the code to generate a separate plot for each product; Adding a dropdown list to switch product. Adding a Time Period Selector to select a date range. Updating the graph to cover more parameters on the Data Labels. NA No
Min Kong 9/6/2024 Friday, September 6, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin and the CO-OP, OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-228: Working on create Capability to Plot Historical 1D SA Statistics from Sqlite DB Files on the webapp. Working on a separate plot for each product; Working on a Select Option list to switch product. Updating the graph to cover more parameters on the Data Labels. NA No
Min Kong 8/30/2024 Friday, August 30, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin and the CO-OP, OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-228: Working on create Capability to Plot Historical 1D SA Statistics from Sqlite DB Files on the webapp. Discussed the work with the Modeling teams. Added a dropdown list for user to select a Statistics Type to plot. NA No
Min Kong 8/23/2024 Friday, August 23, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin and the CO-OP, OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-228: Working on create Capability to Plot Historical 1D SA Statistics from Sqlite DB Files on the webapp. Currently we have some data fields in Table daily_skill_stats in Sqlite DB. Working on some demo code to plot RMSE for a selected station. NA No
Min Kong 8/15/2024 Friday, August 16, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) WSMODELS-228: Working on create Capability to Plot Historical 1D SA Statistics from Sqlite DB Files on the webapp. Working on Sqlite Database Connectivity in Java Web app; Sqlite DB File connection; Querying data from a table with parameters; UI for View Historical Data/Plots, link, popup window, drop-down list and etc; Request sending and response processing; NA No
Min Kong 8/9/2024 Friday, August 9, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin and the CO-OP, OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-234: Worked on the code to create ability to view 2D Contour Map of Satellite Data. Waiting to update more on the webapp until the 2D output is programmatically being updated on the server. 4) WSMODELS-228: Continue the work on create Capability to Plot Historical 1D SA Statistics from Sqlite DB Files on the webapp, both UI and data retrieval. NA No
Min Kong 8/2/2024 Friday, August 2, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin and the CO-OP, OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-234: Working on Create Ability to View 2D Contour Map of Satellite Data. Working on data retrieval and processing, and passing the data to client side and using it to generate the Contour map. NA No
Min Kong 7/25/2024 Friday, July 26, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) WSMODELS-234: For Leaflet Contour R & D. I adjusted the data format in DBOFS dbsst_SAT-contour. I'm able to generate the contour plots through our web app. 3) WSMODELS-234: Working on 2D web app and started working on Create Ability to View 2D Contour Map of Satellite Data. NA No
Min Kong 7/19/2024 Friday, July 19, 2024 1) I attended IIJA/BIL Monthly Reporting meeting for Cyber Infrastructure and Skill Assessment. We reported the development progress and gathered the feedback from the larger NOS modeling community. 2) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 3) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin and the CO-OP, OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 4) WSMODELS-213: For Leaflet Contour R & D. I adjusted the data format in DBOFS dbsst_SAT-contour. I'm able to generate the contour plots through our web app. 5) WSMODELS-228: Working on Create Capability to Plot Historical 1D SA Statistics from Sqlite DB Files. Added a link to popup a new page for users to select historical data to plot. NA No
Min Kong 7/12/2024 Friday, July 12, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, OCS and CO-OPS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-230: For SA data. the download links should be only on View Available Plots popup window. I updated the code to remove download links on View Statistics popup window. Ticket closed 4) WSMODELS-228: For the Create Capability to Plot Historical 1D SA Statistics from Sqlite DB Files. Working on the code to add a link to popup a new page for users to select historical data to plot. 5) WSMODELS-213: For Leaflet Contour, Im able to integrate the sample code into the current web application; Looking into sample OFS data input in Contour data format. NA No
Min Kong 7/5/2024 Friday, July 5, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, OCS and CO-OPS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-228: Started working on Create Capability to Plot Historical 1D SA Statistics from Sqlite DB Files. 4) WSMODELS-213: For 2D web application, doing some R & D on Leaflet HeatMap and Leaflet Contour; Friday, July 05, 2024 No
Min Kong 6/28/2024 Friday, June 28, 2024 1) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, CO-OPS and OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 2) WSMODELS-227: I modified the code to only accept the requests from download links I modified the code to include only the .int files as the download option. Code checked in and deployed to Dev. The ticket is closed. 3) WSMODELS-228: Started working on Create Capability to Plot Historical 1D SA Statistics from Sqlite DB Files. Working on GUI to add a new tab in the popup window per station for users to select historical data to plot. Working on the Sqlite database connection and queries in Java on web application. 4) WSMODELS-213: For 2D web application, doing some R & D now. Working with AJ and the team on analysis on SA_Visulization Data files and figure out a better way to populate the data. NA No
Min Kong 6/21/2024 Friday, June 21, 2024 1) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, CO-OPS and OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 2) WSMODELS-210, WSMODELS-212: Modified the code to provide data download for 1D data; Code checked in and deployed to Dev. Tickets closed. 3) WSMODELS-227: SA Data download testing and fixes. I will modify the code to Only accept the download requests from download links which are provided on the View Plots popup windows, and Block all other requests. 4) WSMODELS-218: Updated the code to make legend open. Code checked in and deployed to Dev. Ticket closed. 5) WSMODELS-213: For 2D web application, doing some R & D now. NA No
Min Kong 6/14/2024 Friday, June 14, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, CO-OPS and OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-210, WSMODELS-212: I have done some work to Modify the code to provide data download for 1D data; I checked in the Code and it's under code review. Will work with Pat and Armin to verify and test it based on the requirements. 4) WSMODELS-218: Updated the code to make legend open on the map. I will work on the mobile mode. 5) WSMODELS-213: For the 2D web app. Doing some learning and research on side by side Viewer and will work with the team and Rachel implement the functionalities. NA No
Min Kong 6/7/2024 Friday, June 7, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, CO-OPS and OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-210, WSMODELS-212: working on the code to allow Users to Download the Skill Assessment Statistics File 4) WSMODELS-218: Updated the code to make legend open. NA No
Min Kong 5/31/2024 Friday, May 31, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, CO-OPS and OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-210, WSMODELS-212: Started working on the code to allow Users to Download the Skill Assessment Statistics File 4) WSMODELS-218: Working on the code to make legend open by default NA No
Min Kong 5/24/2024 Friday, May 24, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, CO-OPS and OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-200: Finished Update View Servlet for type="plots" To Check for Plots only in Plot List File; 4) WSMODELS-203: Updated code to change Zoom Center for LMHOFS; 5) WSMODELS-202: Discussed the work with Feng Wang and no code change at this time. 6) WSMODELS-210: Started working on providing data download button for 1D data 7) WSMODELS-212: Started working on the code to create new Servlet to Allow Users to Download the Skill Assessment Statistics File NA No
Min Kong 5/17/2024 Friday, May 17, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, CO-OPS and OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-200: Worked on plot files validation on View Servlet. Committed the code to SVN for code review. NA No
Min Kong 5/10/2024 Friday, May 10, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, OCS and CO-OPS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-196: Working with Modeling team for a memory issue on the Server. 4) WSMODELS-198: Updated the code to fix "no station" issue when retrieving the data dynamically. 5) WSMODELS-200: Started working on plot files validation on View Servlet. NA No
Min Kong 5/3/2024 Friday, May 3, 2024 1) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, CO-OPS and OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 2) WSMODELS-196: Continue working on 2D Python script on get_satellite_observations to fix an issue on Linux Server. NA No
Min Kong 4/26/2024 Friday, April 26, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, OCS and CO-OPS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-162: Worked on the Station Id Search box. The code has been reviewed and deployed to Server. This ticket is closed. 4) WSMODELS-196: Updated 2D Python script on get_satellite_observations to match PEP8 standard. NA No
Min Kong 4/19/2024 Friday, April 19, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) WSMODELS-196: updating 2D Python script on get_satellite_observations to match PEP8 standard. 3) WSMODELS-162: Working on the Station ID search box on the web page. NA No
Min Kong 4/12/2024 Friday, April 12, 2024 1) I attended IIJA/BIL Monthly Reporting meeting for Cyber Infrastructure and Skill Assessment. We reported the development progress and gathered the feedback from the larger NOS modeling community. 2) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 3) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin and the Modeling team. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 4) WSMODELS-196: updating 2D Python script on get_satellite_observations to match PEP8 standard. 5) WSMODELS-162: Started working on the Station ID search box. NA No
Min Kong 4/5/2024 Friday, April 5, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin the Modeling team. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-192: Have done some coding to adjust the GUI on the OFS-DPS Java Web application so it can render nicely on mobile devices. This ticket has been closed 4) WSMODELS-196: Start to update 2D Python script on get_satellite_observations for PEP8/pylint NA No
Min Kong 3/29/2024 Friday, March 29, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin the Modeling team. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-192: Working on OFS-DPS: Update Java App for Mobile Devices; Making good progress. Estimated: 4 weeks logged: 2 week Remaining: 2 weeks NA No
Min Kong 3/22/2024 Friday, March 22, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, Felicio and other people from Modeling team. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-192: Working on OFS-DPS: Update Java App for Mobile Devices Estimated: 3 weeks logged: 1 week Remaining: 2 weeks NA No
Min Kong 3/8/2024 Friday, March 8, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, Felicio and other people from Modeling team. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-186: Working on the 508 Compliance, Accessibility and Best Practice on the Web Interface. Making more progress. NA No
Min Kong 2/29/2024 Thursday, February 29, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, Felicio and other people from Modeling team. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) I attended Team Demo on logging hours. 4) WSMODELS-184: I have done some code to add the ability to filter 1D by Product (WL, Currents, Temperature, Salinity). The code has been checked into SVN. 5) WSMODELS-186: Started to check the 508 Compliance on the Web Interface. 6) WSMODELS-128: Helped the team to fix the path setting in the config. NA No
Min Kong 2/23/2024 Friday, February 23, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-184: Working on the Java web app to add ability to filter 1D by Product (WL, Currents, Temperature, Salinity) . I checked in some code for review. NA No
Min Kong 2/16/2024 Friday, February 16, 2024 1) I attended IIJA/BIL Monthly Reporting meeting for Cyber Infrastructure and Skill Assessment. We reported the development progress and gathered the feedback from the larger NOS modeling community. 2) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 3) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, Felicio and the other people from Modeling team. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 4) WSMODELS-183: Updated Java Web app to Latest Static Web Interface 5) WSMODELS-184: Working on the Java web app to add ability to filter 1D by Product (WL, Currents, Temperature, Salinity) NA No
Min Kong 2/9/2024 Friday, February 9, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meetings with Armin, Rita, Felicio and the other people from Modeling team. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-165: Worked on the code to handle station id is not found. 4) WSMODELS-165: Adding Logging and Exception Handling to Web app. 5) WSMODELS-183: Updated Java Web app to Latest Static Web Interface 6) WSMODELS-184: Starting working on the Java web app to add ability to filter 1D by Product (WL, Currents, Temperature, Salinity) NA No
Min Kong 1/31/2024 Friday, February 2, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, Felicio and the other people from Modeling team. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-165: Working on the code to handle station id is not found. 4) WSMODELS-165: Updating Logging and Exception Handling to Web app. NA No
Min Kong 1/26/2024 Friday, January 26, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, Felicio and the other people from Modeling team. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-165: Worked on the code to handle station id is not found. 4) WSMODELS-165: Adding Logging and Exception Handling to Web app. NA No
Min Kong 1/19/2024 Friday, January 19, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, Felicio and the other people from Modeling team. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-161: Worked on the code to popup the Station List and add a link to Station Listing for a Selected OFS 4) WSMODELS-165: Adding Logging and Exception Handling to Web app. NA No
Min Kong 1/12/2024 Friday, January 12, 2024 1) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, Felicio and the other people from Modeling team. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 2) WSMODELS-158: Started working on Java Web app. 3) WSMODELS-161: Updated and checked in some code to add Link to Station Listing for a Selected OFS. Armin reviewed the code and gave me more instructions for the work. I'm adding more features. 4) I was tested Positive on Covid-19. So I stayed home for recovery and isolation. 5) The tickets completed and closed in this month --- WSMODELS-135, WSMODELS-142 NA No
Min Kong 1/5/2024 Friday, January 5, 2024 1) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, Felicio and the other people from Modeling team. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 2) WSMODELS-142: Updated the code to check if data is not found in /opt/archive/ we look for it under /opt/ofs-bdp; 3) WSMODELS-135: Updated the date format in the title text. 4) WSMODELS-135: Fixed the wrong date 5) WSMODELS-161: Updated and checked in some code to add Link to Station Listing for a Selected OFS 6) Helping the team on system testing NA No