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Monthly 2024 Summary


Week Ending

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Danny Collins Friday, June 7, 2024 03 June 2024_SBA E2G Program Federal Contract Market Update: New Opportunities and Set-Asides 03 June 2024_Reviewed SEWP VI Presentation 03 June 2024_NASA SEWP VI: How to Win Webinar - Your Guide to Mastering the RFP Process 04 June 2024_Sources Sought: Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Software Portfolio Management 04 June 2024_ SEWP VI Update 05 June 2024_LUNCH & LEARN WITH GSA: UNDERSTANING MARKET RESEARCH AND SOURCES SOUGHT 05 June 2024_SBA Empower to Grow (E2G) Master Class: GSA STARS III - Prime Empowerment Workshop 05 June 2024_Digitize Your Government Contracting Business Development (BD) Process 06 June 2024_Q2 Deltek GovWin IQ Customer Town Hall No 6/11/2024
Margie Collins Friday, June 14, 2024 What tasks did you work on this week for the charge code above? Please list the significant milestones and/or progress. If applicable, please include specific progress on tickets worked. (Do not use bullets or dashes when listing your tasks. Use commas if needed). * " Weekly Vulnerability Team Review on Monday, to discuss vulnerability statuses to include log4j v2. No log4j for BASIS Cyber. T According to our current STIP5 POAM findings (ACAS: 0 out of 72 -Completed); (Onapsis: 19 out of 98 are open); NOTEs (116 out of 162 are open); SV (1 out of 52 are open); WRA (Completed), these numbers are from our AAG tracker. We are tracking the STIP5+500 STIGs, as of date, there are a total of 517 Application STIGs (203 Complete, 55 In progress, 22 Decommissioned, 63 Exception Needs Submitted); there are a total of 60 Operating Systems STIGs (55 Completed and 3 In Progress). Weekly Mandatory CAT 1 Review on Thursday to discuss mandatory vulnerabilities with SMEs. " Exception/False Positive ACAS/Onapsis/Notes meeting with Marcin's group. Two Exceptions Accepted " Submitted Exception Write up for PMW team to review, discussion and approval during the PMW weekly meetings. " Kickoff meeting with SME to go over the 3rd QTR STIGs due 28 June 2024. Also, talked to SMEs about submitting their previous STIP+500 STIGs .ckl for submittal. Sent chats to SMEs regarding their STIGs for remediation. We are 60% completed, the rest STIGS are in progress. " Working with Celeste to track the outstanding POAM notes due this month. She also have notes that can not be implemented so therefore we will create Exception forms for these transports. Discussed the SPAU transport with David Baker for remediation. Per David, the Cyber team can will be able to make the change. Did you use additional charge codes this week? * No Planned Activities for Upcoming Week. (Include milestones or detailed tasks) * " Attend Weekly meeting& " Daily Cyber, Cyber BASIS SAP Security, Log4j, ACAS, Onapsis, CAT1, Cyber Bundle, and POAM meetings " Start working on the DC/STIP5/500+ STIGs with SMEs. " Update Stipulation 5 tracker and send SMEs email reminders about their assignments. " Log4js& NA 6/14/2024
Margie Collins Friday, June 21, 2024 What tasks did you work on this week for the charge code above? Please list the significant milestones and/or progress. If applicable, please include specific progress on tickets worked. (Do not use bullets or dashes when listing your tasks. Use commas if needed). * - The BASIS Cyber team requested the ECC system in the sandbox be restored from another ECC system to validate/test solutions for vulnerabilities provided to the SMEs. - The BASIS Cyber team is now receiving email notifications from the PMW team that certain vulnerabilities have been sent to the FAO for review. - The BASIS Cyber team is meeting and receiving email notifications from the PMW team regarding existing STIGs/CKL Vulnerability IDs. We will have a meeting to discuss better ways to collect these outstanding items for remediation and/or exception submission. - Based on last week's BODs/BOBJ log4j finding, which was accepted as a false positive, Phong created new False Positive submission forms for the new server with the same vulnerabilities accepted by the PMW team. The BASIS Cyber team reviewed the form, made necessary updates, and emailed it to the PMW team for review and possible approval. - Attended the Walkthrough Maintenance Window Template meeting to discuss potential updates to the template. - Received updates from Jared regarding the new GITLAB CE server, including instructions on how to log in, change our password, and validate system access. - Phong sent the BASIS Cyber team updates regarding decommissioned systems related to outstanding vulnerabilities, which can now be closed. - During our STIP5 meeting, we discussed the STIP5+500 outstanding STIGs, which are almost complete. We are waiting on one SME to complete his STIGs by 6/28. - I asked Jared to assist William (Bill) with his STIGs if he had the bandwidth. - PMW meeting to discuss vulnerabilities. - Daily STIG standup with SMEs to track their progress on their 3rd QTR Y24 STIGs. As of today, 31 out of 62 are completed by the SMEs. I also worked with William (Bill) P, showing him how to retrieve the STIG viewer and STGs from the website. We took screenshots and recorded the meeting for his future reference. He is now able to open the STIG viewer, install the STG, and create a new Application Server checklist for his assigned server. - Contacted Mark G and Swati M to get updates on when the SAPUI5 patch transports will be released to the QA system to remediate the following SAP vulnerabilities: SAP-98960, SAP-100560, and SAP-100960. After informing the QCI that these transports required validation rather than testing, Mark released the transports to the QAS systems. - Based on the updated weekly POAM report, I analyzed which vulnerabilities (ACAS, Onapsis, Notes, STIGs, and WRA) were still open from David D's STIP5 report. The ACAS POAMs from the STIP5 reports are now completed. - Met with the BASIS Cyber team to review the STIG .ckl files and identify which of the 52 STIGs have outstanding items for remediation or exception submissions. - The BASIS systems team received an email notification from Paul from the PMW team regarding his Stage 1 review decisions on exception/false positives we are tracking. - Downloaded updated AMO reports to check if transports have reached the QAS systems. - Logged into the new GitLab to verify access. - Updated our trackers accordingly. NA 6/21/2024
Margie Collins Friday, June 7, 2024 Charge Code 1 - What charge code did you use this week? (Please insert only one charge code in the box below. There will be identical pages in the survey to add additional charge codes.) * 5F49 How many hours did you charge on the charge code above? * 46 What tasks did you work on this week for the charge code above? Please list the significant milestones and/or progress. If applicable, please include specific progress on tickets worked. (Do not use bullets or dashes when listing your tasks. Use commas if needed). * - Biweekly meetings with SMEs to discuss 3rd Qtr YR24 STIGs due June 28, 2024. James Campbell replaced Al Willis as STIG POC. I will forward all previous updates sent to sent to Al to James which are mislabeled STIGs that need to be updated. - Checked .ckl files by STIG viewer - Conducted a POAM weekly analysis with the Cyber team to update the POAM numbers for the upcoming meeting. The POAM numbers have decreased to 13,650 line items. - Closed Task from Non-PROD SCOR from the maintenance on June 1, 2024 - Discussed the PROD Cyber SCOR which will go in this weekend - Write up meeting to discuss outstanding and upcoming write ups - Meet with the Security team to discuss two OKB-ID that will need to be remediated. - Worked with Swati to get SAPUI5 to get transports in UT systems (Done). Swati will talk to gov't about putting transports into QA since there is not RTP for these type of transports. - STIP5 and STIP5+500 meetings to discuss what is outstanding. We are currently done with ACAS and most of the Onapsis, working with Celeste to complete the STIP500 outstanding notes. - PMW team did not have any submission forms to review with the Cyber team. There are currently +18 forms that we have sent to PMW for review. Did you use additional charge codes this week? * No Planned Activities for Upcoming Week. (Include milestones or detailed tasks) * " Attend Weekly meeting& " Daily Cyber, Cyber BASIS SAP Security, Log4j, ACAS, Onapsis, CAT1, Cyber Bundle, and POAM meetings " Start working on the DC/STIP5/500+ STIGs with SMEs. " Update Stipulation 5 tracker and send SMEs email reminders about their assignments. " Log4js& Non 6/6/2024
Norma Graham Friday, June 14, 2024 As a new hire, I am still in the on-boarding phase;1st official day was Wed, June 12. Reported to the Transition Assistance Program at the Military & Family Readiness Center (MFRC), Joint Base Andrews. Megan RW left instructions for tasks with various team members. Completed staff walk-thru and introductions with MSgt Whyte. Attended one-on-one desk side trainings with Breanna, Brittany, and Taylor. Attended Day 1 and 3 of TAP Workshop Class with Courtney. Reviewed newsletter and flyer for Taylor and provided comments for her review. Attended weekly staff training presented by Community Resource Consultant. Pending access to various systems, duties and responsibilities were limited; however, leaders were available to self and team members for questions or concerns. 6/14/2024
Norma Graham Friday, June 21, 2024 A good week filled with trainings. Met 1:1 with Megan to review progress on new hire CAC, access, and training. Met with TAP Team leads to discuss training opportunities such as 'shadow' during appointments and classes. Assisted Front Desk Admin to answer phones and greet visitors. Cleared scheduling for non-scheduled contacts and org box submissions for initial counseling appointments. NOTE: Short work week due to holiday and office closure (June 18 and 19). Approved by Megan to adjust hours as needed. No additional obstacles this week. Still pending system access (CAC). 6/21/2024
Miciaha Ivey Friday, June 14, 2024 GIPSLE-179: No major updates. Continuing to work on this ticket. SUPPORT-31710: Responded to Nick with Python script and additional information. No update N/A 6/15/2024
Miciaha Ivey Friday, June 21, 2024 Continuing to work on the following tickets: GIPSLE-174: ~1 week remaining GIPSLE-185: ~ 3 days remaining GIPSLE-174: ~2 days remaining GIPSLE-179: ~1 week remaining Working with Bill to restructure the GIPSLE project. N/A 6/21/2024
Miciaha Ivey Friday, June 28, 2024 New Tickets: TAC-3936 - Updated EWL site to remove old stations. [In Testing] TAC-3515 - SeaLevelTrends migration reassigned back to me. Need to test each function in postgres and update the common library being used to access the database. [~2-3 weeks] Continuing to work on GIPSLE tickets: GIPSLE-174: Converting into postgres function instead of using Java code [~2 days remaining] GIPSLE-185: Testing function in database before adding into GIPSLE [~3 days remaining] N/A 6/28/2024
Miciaha Ivey Friday, June 7, 2024 GIPSLE-179: Adding import monthly EWL function to GIPSLE GIPSLE-174: Create procedure to detrend EXT_Monthly values based on accepted sea level trend TAC-3819: Closed This was the last week of quarantine. I should be good to return to office next week. Otherwise, no issues. 6/7/2024
Miciaha Ivey Friday, May 31, 2024 DPAPI-77: Updates SQL to reference latest EXT tables instead of the old StationParameters table TAC-3819: Updated extremes map SUPPORT-31710: No movement on this ticket from infrastructure team yet Quarantining for COVID (2 weeks started on Tuesday, May 28th) 6/3/2024
Min Kong Friday, June 14, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, CO-OPS and OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-210, WSMODELS-212: I have done some work to Modify the code to provide data download for 1D data; I checked in the Code and it's under code review. Will work with Pat and Armin to verify and test it based on the requirements. 4) WSMODELS-218: Updated the code to make legend open on the map. I will work on the mobile mode. 5) WSMODELS-213: For the 2D web app. Doing some learning and research on side by side Viewer and will work with the team and Rachel implement the functionalities. No 6/14/2024
Min Kong Friday, June 21, 2024 1) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, CO-OPS and OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 2) WSMODELS-210, WSMODELS-212: Modified the code to provide data download for 1D data; Code checked in and deployed to Dev. Tickets closed. 3) WSMODELS-227: SA Data download testing and fixes. I will modify the code to Only accept the download requests from download links which are provided on the View Plots popup windows, and Block all other requests. 4) WSMODELS-218: Updated the code to make legend open. Code checked in and deployed to Dev. Ticket closed. 5) WSMODELS-213: For 2D web application, doing some R & D now. No 6/21/2024
Min Kong Friday, June 28, 2024 1) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, CO-OPS and OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 2) WSMODELS-227: I modified the code to only accept the requests from download links I modified the code to include only the .int files as the download option. Code checked in and deployed to Dev. The ticket is closed. 3) WSMODELS-228: Started working on Create Capability to Plot Historical 1D SA Statistics from Sqlite DB Files. Working on GUI to add a new tab in the popup window per station for users to select historical data to plot. Working on the Sqlite database connection and queries in Java on web application. 4) WSMODELS-213: For 2D web application, doing some R & D now. Working with AJ and the team on analysis on SA_Visulization Data files and figure out a better way to populate the data. No 6/28/2024
Min Kong Friday, June 7, 2024 1) I attended weekly SEAS Team Meeting and reported my status; 2) I attended the Technical Meeting with Armin, CO-OPS and OCS Modeling teams. We reviewed the work and discussed the next steps; 3) WSMODELS-210, WSMODELS-212: working on the code to allow Users to Download the Skill Assessment Statistics File 4) WSMODELS-218: Updated the code to make legend open. No 6/7/2024
Barbara Lanza Friday, June 14, 2024 Work Week: June 10- June 14, 2024: Working on Task #12604: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for June 2024 - NOAA Contract is pending (closing date: June 28, 2024, 6PM). Working on Task #12610: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for June 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract is pending (closing date: June 28, 2024, 6PM). Task #12384 - Bridgecross, LLC Onboarding is still pending, as it is a, by Ms. Collins standards, template for future onboarding. Emptied my company computers Recycle bin. Task #12572: Learning how to use Word Stream as me as an observer is pending until Ms. Triggs closes it. Task #12514: View the Past NIST events will be pending until it is closed. Task #12714: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks For September, Task #12716: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks For October, Task: #12718: Create Weekly Social Media Posts For November, and Task #12710: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks For July, Task #12720: Create Social Media Post Tasks For December, and Task #12712, Create Weekly Social Media Post Tasks For August are all still pending upon completion. Task # 12698: Check Membership Member Checklist Chack September, Task #12700 Create Membership Member Checklist Check October, Task #12702: Check Membership Member Checklist Check November, Task # 12692 Check Membership Member Checklist Check June, Task #12694 Check Membership Member Checklist Check July, Task #12704: Check Membership Member Checklist Check December, and Task #12696: Check Membership Member Checklist Check August are all still pending. All tasks regarding membership checklist checks will be checked every Friday and tasks will be closed at the end of their respective months. Task 1294: Weekly Social Media Post #13, Task: 12794: Weekly Social Media Post #14, Task #12796: Weekly Social Media Post #15, and Task #12800: weekly Social Media Post #16 dates due were removed by me due to Ms. Triggs being on birth-related leave. These tasks will resume having a due date once Ms. Triggs is back. All Social Media post tasks all have a Sunday deadline. Task #12810: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for July 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract, Task #12812: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for August 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract, and Task #12814: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for September 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract were added to be worked on by their due dates. Task #12804: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for July 2024 - NOAA Contract, Task #12806: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for August 2024 - NOAA Contract, and Task #12808: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for September 2024 - NOAA Contract were added to be worked on by their due dates. Added Events to Birtrix24 Company Calendar and added attendees that are interested in said events. Checked emails from Office Outlook computer and removed old and junk emails. Obstacles this week: None. 6/12/2024
Barbara Lanza Friday, June 14, 2024 Work Week: June 10- June 14, 2024: Working on Task #12604: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for June 2024 - NOAA Contract is pending (closing date: June 28, 2024, 6PM). Working on Task #12610: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for June 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract is pending (closing date: June 28, 2024, 6PM). Task #12384 - Bridgecross, LLC Onboarding is still pending, as it is a, by Ms. Collins standards, template for future onboarding. Emptied my company computers Recycle bin. Task #12572: Learning how to use Word Stream as me as an observer is pending until Ms. Triggs closes it. Task #12514: View the Past NIST events will be pending until it is closed. Task #12714: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks For September, Task #12716: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks For October, Task: #12718: Create Weekly Social Media Posts For November, and Task #12710: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks For July, Task #12720: Create Social Media Post Tasks For December, and Task #12712, Create Weekly Social Media Post Tasks For August are all still pending upon completion. Task # 12698: Check Membership Member Checklist Chack September, Task #12700 Create Membership Member Checklist Check October, Task #12702: Check Membership Member Checklist Check November, Task # 12692 Check Membership Member Checklist Check June, Task #12694 Check Membership Member Checklist Check July, Task #12704: Check Membership Member Checklist Check December, and Task #12696: Check Membership Member Checklist Check August are all still pending. All tasks regarding membership checklist checks will be checked every Friday and tasks will be closed at the end of their respective months. Task 1294: Weekly Social Media Post #13, Task: 12794: Weekly Social Media Post #14, Task #12796: Weekly Social Media Post #15, and Task #12800: weekly Social Media Post #16 dates due were removed by me due to Ms. Triggs being on birth-related leave. These tasks will resume having a due date once Ms. Triggs is back. All Social Media post tasks all have a Sunday deadline. Task #12810: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for July 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract, Task #12812: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for August 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract, and Task #12814: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for September 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract were added to be worked on by their due dates. Task #12804: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for July 2024 - NOAA Contract, Task #12806: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for August 2024 - NOAA Contract, and Task #12808: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for September 2024 - NOAA Contract were added to be worked on by their due dates. Added Events to Birtrix24 Company Calendar and added attendees that are interested in said events. Checked emails from Office Outlook computer and removed old and junk emails. Obstacles this week: None. 6/12/2024
Barbara Lanza Friday, June 21, 2024 Work Week: June 17- June 21, 2024: June 19, 2024, is Juneteenth, a Federal Holiday. No work will be done on that day. Working on Task #12604: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for June 2024 - NOAA Contract is pending (closing date: June 28, 2024, 6PM). Working on Task #12610: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for June 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract is pending (closing date: June 28, 2024, 6PM). Task #12384 - Bridgecross, LLC Onboarding is still pending, as it is a, by Ms. Collins standards, template for future onboarding. Emptied my company computers Recycle bin. Task #12384: Bridgecross, LLC Onboarding - Norma Graham - Employee No: 1030 is pending until Ms. Collins closes it. Task #12460: E-Verify Potential Employee is in process until it is closed. Task #12572: Learning how to use Word Stream as me as an observer is pending until Ms. Triggs closes it. Task #12514: View the Past NIST events will be pending until it is closed. Task #12714: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks For September, Task #12716: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks For October, Task: #12718: Create Weekly Social Media Posts For November, Task #12720: Create Weekly Social Media Post Tasks For December, and Task #12712, Create Weekly Social Media Post Tasks For August are all still pending upon completion. Task #12710: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks for July will be put on hold until Ms. Triggs returns. Task # 12698: Check Membership Member Checklist Chack September, Task #12700 Create Membership Member Checklist Check October, Task #12702: Check Membership Member Checklist Check November, Task # 12692 Check Membership Member Checklist Check June, Task #12694 Check Membership Member Checklist Check July, Task #12704: Check Membership Member Checklist Check December, and Task #12696: Check Membership Member Checklist Check August are all still pending. All tasks regarding membership checklist checks will be checked every Friday and tasks will be closed at the end of their respective months. Task 1294: Weekly Social Media Post #13, Task: 12794: Weekly Social Media Post #14, Task #12796: Weekly Social Media Post #15, and Task #12800: weekly Social Media Post #16 dates due were removed by me due to Ms. Triggs being on birth-related leave. These tasks will resume having a due date once Ms. Triggs is back. All Social Media post tasks all have a Sunday deadline. Task #12810: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for July 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract, Task #12812: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for August 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract, and Task #12814: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for September 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract were added to be worked on by their due dates. Task #12804: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for July 2024 - NOAA Contract, Task #12806: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for August 2024 - NOAA Contract, and Task #12808: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for September 2024 - NOAA Contract were added to be worked on by their due dates. Added Events to Birtrix24 Company Calendar and added attendees that are interested in said events. Checked emails from Office Outlook computer and removed old and junk emails. Obstacles this week: Had issues trying to find Norma Grahams (new employee) Driver License. Had to call Ms. Collins to ask her where her license was, and she said that her license information was in her information tab of BambooHR. I was able to find it and took all al of Ms. Grahams information and put it together to do the background check for her in E-Verify. No other obstacles. 6/18/2024
Barbara Lanza Friday, June 21, 2024 Work Week: June 17- June 21, 2024: June 19, 2024, is Juneteenth, a Federal Holiday. No work will be done on that day. Working on Task #12604: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for June 2024 - NOAA Contract is pending (closing date: June 28, 2024, 6PM). Working on Task #12610: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for June 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract is pending (closing date: June 28, 2024, 6PM). Task #12384 - Bridgecross, LLC Onboarding is still pending, as it is a, by Ms. Collins standards, template for future onboarding. Emptied my company computers Recycle bin. Task #12384: Bridgecross, LLC Onboarding - Norma Graham - Employee No: 1030 is pending until Ms. Collins closes it. Task #12460: E-Verify Potential Employee is in process until it is closed. Task #12572: Learning how to use Word Stream as me as an observer is pending until Ms. Triggs closes it. Task #12514: View the Past NIST events will be pending until it is closed. Task #12714: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks For September, Task #12716: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks For October, Task: #12718: Create Weekly Social Media Posts For November, Task #12720: Create Weekly Social Media Post Tasks For December, and Task #12712, Create Weekly Social Media Post Tasks For August are all still pending upon completion. Task #12710: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks for July will be put on hold until Ms. Triggs returns. Task # 12698: Check Membership Member Checklist Chack September, Task #12700 Create Membership Member Checklist Check October, Task #12702: Check Membership Member Checklist Check November, Task # 12692 Check Membership Member Checklist Check June, Task #12694 Check Membership Member Checklist Check July, Task #12704: Check Membership Member Checklist Check December, and Task #12696: Check Membership Member Checklist Check August are all still pending. All tasks regarding membership checklist checks will be checked every Friday and tasks will be closed at the end of their respective months. Task 1294: Weekly Social Media Post #13, Task: 12794: Weekly Social Media Post #14, Task #12796: Weekly Social Media Post #15, and Task #12800: weekly Social Media Post #16 dates due were removed by me due to Ms. Triggs being on birth-related leave. These tasks will resume having a due date once Ms. Triggs is back. All Social Media post tasks all have a Sunday deadline. Task #12810: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for July 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract, Task #12812: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for August 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract, and Task #12814: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for September 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract were added to be worked on by their due dates. Task #12804: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for July 2024 - NOAA Contract, Task #12806: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for August 2024 - NOAA Contract, and Task #12808: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for September 2024 - NOAA Contract were added to be worked on by their due dates. Added Events to Birtrix24 Company Calendar and added attendees that are interested in said events. Checked emails from Office Outlook computer and removed old and junk emails. Obstacles this week: Had issues trying to find Norma Grahams (new employee) Driver License. Had to call Ms. Collins to ask her where her license was, and she said that her license information was in her information tab of BambooHR. I was able to find it and took all al of Ms. Grahams information and put it together to do the background check for her in E-Verify. No other obstacles. 6/18/2024
Barbara Lanza Friday, June 28, 2024 Work Week: June 24- June 28, 2024. Working on Task #12604: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for June 2024 - NOAA Contract is pending (closing date: June 28, 2024, 6PM). Working on Task #12610: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for June 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract is pending (closing date: June 28, 2024, 6PM). Task #12384 - Bridgecross, LLC Onboarding is still pending, as it is a, by Ms. Collins standards, template for future onboarding. Emptied my company computers Recycle bin. Task #12384: Bridgecross, LLC Onboarding - Norma Graham - Employee No: 1030 is pending until Ms. Collins closes it. Task #12460: E-Verify Potential Employee is closed. Task #12572: Learning how to use Word Stream as me as an observer is pending until Ms. Triggs closes it. Task #12514: View the Past NIST events will be pending until it is closed. Task #12714: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks For September, Task #12716: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks For October, Task: #12718: Create Weekly Social Media Posts For November, Task #12720: Create Weekly Social Media Post Tasks For December, and Task #12712, Create Weekly Social Media Post Tasks For August are all still pending upon completion (July 31,2024). Task #12710: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks for July is closed (June 28, 2024). Task # 12698: Check Membership Member Checklist Chack September, Task #12700 Create Membership Member Checklist Check October, Task #12702: Check Membership Member Checklist Check November, Task #12692 Check Membership Member Checklist Check June is closed (June 28, 2024). Task #12694 Check Membership Member Checklist Check July, Task #12704: Check Membership Member Checklist Check December, and Task #12696: Check Membership Member Checklist Check August are all still pending. All tasks regarding membership checklist checks will be checked every Friday and tasks will be closed at the end of their respective months. Task 1294: Weekly Social Media Post #13, Task: 12794: Weekly Social Media Post #14, Task #12796: Weekly Social Media Post #15, and Task #12800: weekly Social Media Post #16 dates due were removed by me due to Ms. Triggs being on birth-related leave. These tasks will resume having a due date once Ms. Triggs is back. All Social Media post tasks all have a Sunday deadline. Task #12810: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for July 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract, Task #12812: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for August 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract, and Task #12814: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for September 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract were added to be worked on by their due dates. Task #12804: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for July 2024 - NOAA Contract, Task #12806: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for August 2024 - NOAA Contract, and Task #12808: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for September 2024 - NOAA Contract were added to be worked on by their due dates. Added Events to Birtrix24 Company Calendar and added attendees that are interested in said events. Checked emails from Office Outlook computer and removed old and junk emails. Obstacles this week: June 25, 2024: Had trouble with the Wi-Fi. Had to restart the modem and wait a bit. Waiting time took about 10 minutes. Was able to work again afterwards with no issues. June 26, 2024: Windows Update required a 2024-06 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5039302) to be installed with a 3-minute restart. Restart was 7 minutes due to establishing Wi-Fi connection. Was able to work again afterwards with no issues. No other obstacles. 6/26/2024
Barbara Lanza Friday, June 7, 2024 Work Week: June 3- June 7, 2024: Started on Task #12604: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for June 2024 - NOAA Contract is pending (closing date: June 28, 2024, 6PM) on June 3, 2024. Started on Task #12610: Submit Monthly Project Status Report for June 2024 - Air Force Data Entry Contract is pending (closing date: June 28, 2024, 6PM) on June 3, 2024. Additional tasks for both Ari Force and NAA will be added on June 3, 2024. Task #12384 - Bridgecross, LLC Onboarding is still pending, as it is a, by Ms. Collins standards, template for future onboarding. Emptied my company computers Recycle bin. Task #12572: Learning how to use Word Stream as me as an observer is pending until Ms. Triggs closes it. Task #12142: Investigate social media was closed. Task #12514: View the Past NIST events will be pending until it is closed. Task #12714: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks For September, Task #12716: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks For October, Task: #12718: Create Weekly Social Media Posts For November, and Task #12710: Create Weekly Social Media Posts Tasks For July, Task #12720: Create Social Media Post Tasks For December, and Task #12712, Create Weekly Social Media Post Tasks For August are all still pending upon completion. Task # 12698: Check Membership Member Checklist Chack September, Task #12700 Create Membership Member Checklist Check October, Task #12702: Check Membership Member Checklist Check November, Task # 12692 Check Membership Member Checklist Check June, Task #12694 Check Membership Member Checklist Check July, Task #12704: Check Membership Member Checklist Check December, and Task #12696: Check Membership Member Checklist Check August are all still pending. All tasks regarding membership checklist checks will be checked every Friday and tasks will be closed at the end of their respective months. Task 1294: Weekly Social Media Post #13 is closed. Task: 12794: Weekly Social Media Post #14, Task #12796: Weekly Social Media Post #15, and Task #12800: weekly Social Media Post #16 are still pending. All Social Media post tasks all have a Sunday deadline. Task #12148: Investigating Military spouse link was closed. Task #12150: Investigate Veterans Links was closed. Added Events to Birtrix24 Company Calendar and added attendees that are interested in said events. Checked emails from Office Outlook computer and removed old and junk emails. Obstacles this week: June 5, 2024: Company computer had to a windows update in which the computer had to do a restart. Unfortunately, 2024-05 Cumulative Update Preview for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB5037853) failed to update and Realtek  AudioProcessingObject- 13.241.1124.208 had an Installation error (Install error - 0x8024200b). I had to retry to install the two updates again. Update and restart took 10 minutes with an additional 2 minute added to connect to the Wi-Fi and Internet. Checked the Trend Micro Maximum Security to see if it the Program Update (no updates) No other obstacles. 6/5/2024
Andrew Lee-Young Friday, June 14, 2024 In preparation for my leave. I am submitting my weekly checkin early. For the week ending on Friday June 14: ING-791: a script was written and tested. this script maintains a cache of station database metadata on the dev server. This script runs independently of the Python rewrite software. Next steps: run this script every time database metadata is refreshed. This refresh occurs every 50 minutes. No obstacles 6/10/2024
Andrew Lee-Young Friday, June 21, 2024 ING-791: Persistent Data Serialization for Large Scale Testing This ticket is an optimization for the WL/Met QC project. The current (legacy Fortran) WL/Met QC reads in static files one at a time. This optimization allows for all static files to be read in only when the data is refreshed by the getMetadata service. I cannot remember the timing, usually every 10-20minutes (I think). This cuts down on an incredible number of file reads. Instead of reading hundreds, if not thousands of files in a 10 minutes window. It happens once. And is available for Python software to utilize. The optimization is not yet complete, but will be complete the week of Friday June 28. Thanks! No obstaces, however, I understand the attendance requirement of being in-office once per week. Due to my scheduled time-off, I have missed the past two attendance reports. This was just an FYI, that it may appear like my June attendance was low. It was because of vacation. Thanks! 6/21/2024
Andrew Lee-Young Friday, June 28, 2024 ING-791 Persistent Data Serialization for Large Scale Testing: the cached data is deployed and working in DEV. Initial discussions and testing with Feds on my team were good. We are already seeing our process running 2.4x faster. While that is good, we will ultimately see much greater optimizations in a phase 2 or 3 of this optimization. Now that this is complete, I will continue testing. In this case, Meteorological sensors as a part of the WL/Met QC Python rewrite. No obstacles! 6/28/2024
Andrew Lee-Young Friday, June 7, 2024 ING-791: Persistent Data Serialization for Large Scale Testing. Set up a service to store database metadata to remove file i/o overhead No obstacles 6/7/2024
Petros Melake Friday, June 14, 2024 DPAPI-92 : Please remove confusing link from HTF likely decadal scenario Derived API page (Estimate days to completion: 1 hour/ Actual days to completion: TBD ) TAC-3907 : Request for a CORA Landing Page (Estimate days to completion: 1 week/ Actual days to completion: TBD ) ID-163 : Integrated Partner Station Data (non-ingested) as a new map layer (Estimate days to completion: 2 weeks/ Actual days to completion: TBD ) DPAPI-85 :create new DPAPI end point for the downscaled gridded RFA extreme wl (Estimate days to completion: 2 weeks/ Actual days to completion: TBD ) none 6/14/2024
Petros Melake Friday, June 21, 2024 DPAPI-94 : Slight correction to in Storm Surge Dashboard endpoint(Estimate days to completion: 2 hours/ Actual days to completion: 2 hours, closed this week ) DPAPI-92 : Please remove confusing link from HTF likely decadal scenario Derived API page (Estimate days to completion: 1 hour/ Actual days to completion: 1 hour, closed this week ) TAC-3907 : Request for a CORA Landing Page (Estimate days to completion: 1 week/ Actual days to completion: TBD ) ID-163 : Integrated Partner Station Data (non-ingested) as a new map layer (Estimate days to completion: 2 weeks/ Actual days to completion: TBD ) DPAPI-85 :create new DPAPI end point for the downscaled gridded RFA extreme wl (Estimate days to completion: 2 weeks/ Actual days to completion: TBD ) none 6/21/2024
Petros Melake Friday, June 28, 2024 DPAPI-95 : Monthly HTF Outlook endpoints for htb_text returning 400 error(Estimate days to completion: 5 hours/ Actual days to completion: 3h, close this week) TAC-3907 : Request for a CORA Landing Page (Estimate days to completion: 1 week/ Actual days to completion: TBD ) ID-163 : Integrated Partner Station Data (non-ingested) as a new map layer (Estimate days to completion: 2 weeks/ Actual days to completion: TBD ) DPAPI-85 :create new DPAPI end point for the downscaled gridded RFA extreme wl (Estimate days to completion: 2 weeks/ Actual days to completion: TBD ) TAC-3567 : still working to configure lambda function and location of server location(Estimate days to completion: 2 weeks/ Actual days to completion: TBD ) None 6/28/2024
Petros Melake Friday, June 7, 2024 TAC-3907 : Request for a CORA Landing Page (Estimate days to completion: 1 week/ Actual days to completion: TBD ) ID-163 : Integrated Partner Station Data (non-ingested) as a new map layer (Estimate days to completion: 2 weeks/ Actual days to completion: TBD ) DPAPI-85 :create new DPAPI end point for the downscaled gridded RFA extreme wl (Estimate days to completion: 2 weeks/ Actual days to completion: TBD ) none 6/7/2024
Stephane Moluh Friday, June 14, 2024 wali-789: dev complete, unit testing in progress NA 6/14/2024
Stephane Moluh Friday, June 21, 2024 wali-789: Testing and code changes on Formatting NA 6/21/2024
Stephane Moluh Friday, June 28, 2024 WALI-789: working on Testing Stored Procedures developed and fixing issues related to formatting WALI-819: Comparing results from report of TBYT between Postgres and Sybase NA 6/28/2024
Stephane Moluh Friday, June 7, 2024 Wali-820 : completion of second batch of Stored Procedures Wali-789 : 75% dev completion NA 6/7/2024
Stephane Aloys Tekam Nwafor Friday, June 14, 2024 TAC - 3811 Monthly HTF Outlook: Add "Seasonal" tab w/ plot of average HTF days(2week) TAC - 3812 Monthly HTF Outlook: Update text on webpage(2week) TAC- Monthly HTF Outlook: Modify "Station" tab to integrate with CID/NWS info(1 day) TAC - 3852 inundation Analysis component(2week) the TAC dev environment was constantly down 6/16/2024
Stephane Aloys Tekam Nwafor Friday, June 21, 2024 TAC - 3811 Monthly HTF Outlook: Add "Seasonal" tab w/ plot of average HTF days(2week) TAC - 3853 Monthly HTF Outlook: Update text on webpage(1weeks) TAC- 3812 Monthly HTF Outlook: Modify "Station" tab to integrate with CID/NWS info(2week) TAC - 3852 inundation Analysis component(2 week) TAC-3924 (closed)(1 day) NA 6/23/2024
Stephane Aloys Tekam Nwafor Friday, June 28, 2024 TAC 3918 update sea level scenario plots on SLT page and HTF outlook page(1day) TAC - 3811 Monthly HTF Outlook: Add "Seasonal" tab w/ plot of average HTF days(2week) TAC - 3853 Monthly HTF Outlook: Update text on webpage(1 week) TAC- 3812 Monthly HTF Outlook: Modify "Station" tab to integrate with CID/NWS info(2week) TAC-3928 Including observed flooding back to 2000(2 week) NA 6/30/2024
Stephane Aloys Tekam Nwafor Friday, June 7, 2024 TAC- 3812 Monthly HTF Outlook: Modify "Station" tab to integrate with CID/NWS info(2week) TAC-3853 Master Ticket - Monthly HTF Outlook: 2.0 Enhancements(2days) TAC-3811 Monthly HTF Outlook: Add "Seasonal" tab w/ plot of average HTF days(2weeks) NA 6/9/2024
Nahom Tesfatsion Friday, June 14, 2024 TAC-3835: Update language on EWL pages (Estimate days to completion: 2 wks / Actual days to completion: TBD) - Status: Testing in UAT TAC-3914: master ticket - new integrated website for SLT/EWL (Estimate days to completion: 4 wks / Actual days to completion: TBD) - Status: Implementation in progress, Integrated Sea Level Trends TAC-3917: Update Extreme Water Level State Selection (Estimate days to completion: 1 wks / Actual days to completion: TBD) None 6/14/2024
Nahom Tesfatsion Friday, June 21, 2024 TAC-3835: Update language on EWL pages (Estimate days to completion: 2 wks / Actual days to completion: TBD) - Status: Testing in UAT TAC-3914: master ticket - new integrated website for SLT/EWL (Estimate days to completion: 4 wks / Actual days to completion: TBD) - Status: Implementation in progress TAC-3917: Update Extreme Water Level State Selection (Estimate days to completion: 1 wks / Actual days to completion: TBD) Status: Implementation in progress None 6/21/2024
Nahom Tesfatsion Friday, June 28, 2024 TAC-3835: Update language on EWL pages (Estimate days to completion: 2 wks / Actual days to completion: TBD) - Status: Testing in UAT TAC-3914: master ticket - new integrated website for SLT/EWL (Estimate days to completion: 4 wks / Actual days to completion: TBD) - Status: Implementation in progress TAC-3917: Update Extreme Water Level State Selection (Estimate days to completion: 1 wks / Actual days to completion: TBD) Status: Implementation in progress Integrated both est and sltrends plots None 6/28/2024
Nahom Tesfatsion Friday, June 7, 2024 TAC-3835: Update language on EWL pages (Estimate days to completion: 2 wks / Actual days to completion: TBD) - Status: Implementation in progress TAC-3914: master ticket - new integrated website for SLT/EWL (Estimate days to completion: 4 wks / Actual days to completion: TBD) - Status: Implementation in progress TAC-3917: Update Extreme Water Level State Selection (Estimate days to completion: 1 wks / Actual days to completion: TBD) No Obstacles 6/7/2024